
The Sprout team has lots to be thankful for this year, so we loaded up our cars with a potluck dinner and trekked up to Ogunquit, Maine — narrowly avoiding a slippery drive through the first snowfall of the season.

In all, we ate:

  • One turkey
  • A chicken
  • 6 lbs of stuffing
  • 6 lbs of mashed potatoes
  • 5+ lbs of cheese – which was in 5-cheese mac and cheese (thanks, Collin!)
  • Minimal vegetables
  • 2 quarts of gravy
  • A Kentucky Derby pie (a glorified cookie — sorry, not sorry)
  • Pumpkin pie
  • Chocolate cream pie
  • 10 belgian waffles
  • 24 eggs
  • and a few frothy beverages…

We also were able to sneak in brainstorming session to kick off ideation and planning around some exciting changes for Sprout Studios and what we are calling Sprout 3.0. Before heading home, we tried to walk off the extra pounds on a blustery walk to the main beach, played a quick game of Cards Against Humanity, and then indulged in leftovers. Our Sprout holiday party isn’t that far away, which means there’s a chance Collin’s leftover macaroni and cheese will make it to that party as well.

dig in.
Team prepares to dig in.
Turkey carving.
Rich carves the turkey.
Looks good, huh?
Board games.
Late-night board games/turkey recovery.
More food
The table (peep the dairy pills)
Notorious mac & cheese
Collin and his notorious mac & cheese.
Team bonding
Playing cards for some good team bonding.
A chilly walk on the beach.
The team during our beach walk

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