The mobile thermoelectric refrigerator is a cost-efficient, low-energy mobile refrigerator to combat global refrigeration challenges. Using thermoelectric technology, this innovative cooling system allows villages in India (the world’s leading milk producer) to store their milk overnight and transport it up to 15 miles to pasteurization facilities. The unit requires minimal power and has the added ability to operate from off-grid power sources. In developing countries, the lack of infrastructure (roads, electricity) make refrigeration at the point of production or refrigerated transport unfeasible. Specifically, keeping milk from contamination from airborne diseases (such as Listeria) remains a serious problem, although overlooked.
Sprout designed the product to be durable, rugged and look innovative. The chassis is constructed to allow the top-chilling unit to be removed while the bottom refrigeration unit is being transported. The chiller uses the water and heat transfer to cool the milk while excess warm water can be used for cleaning and bathing. The chassis is constructed of anodized aluminum to keep it lightweight and strong. We designed an airless wheel system to avoid flats on rough terrain which also utilizes a regenerative hub that powers a battery to keep things cool while on the go. The multifunctional handle design allows the user to comfortably pull the refrigerator by hand while walking, or it can be attached to bicycle or motorcycle for rapid transport.